Visit Camping World to buy Sprayway SX2 Tent at the best price we found

Sprayway SX2 Tent

The best price found for Sprayway SX2 Tent was £79.50. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £70.83. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £59.50. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. This stable semi geodesic design tent is ideal or a trip away in the hills. It boasts extra storage throughout for all the kit you need, with unique hidden pockets for valuables. Its also got a front porch for any wet gear (or his smelly socks) an enough vents to keep the whole tent fresh and well ventilated (again, in case of any smelly socks.).

Best Price Found: £ 79.50 from Camping World

tent Info

TypeTents, Backpacking Tents, Tent, Lightweight Tents
PitchingOuter First
Maximum Height105cm
Hydrostatic Head (flysheet)5000mm
Pack Size42cm x 18cm x 16cm
Pole StyleAlloy
Tent Capacity2 person
Weight Range2.51kg - 4kg