Visit Simply Hike to buy VANGO Avington 600 Tent at the best price we found

VANGO Avington 600 Tent

The best price found for VANGO Avington 600 Tent was £296.99. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £296.99. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £296.99. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. Vango AVINGTON 600 6 MAN TENT The Avington offers a generous double section living space, meaning you can bring everything, plus the kitchen sink. Other features include a full mesh front door and our patented TBS II for extra stability. If this amount of space wasnt enough, the Avington also comes with a pre attached front extension, to give your family more space to lounge whether you are on a short break or a long holiday. A groundsheet for the extension area is supplied with the compatible Avington Footprint. If you are looking for an affordable, large family camping tent, then the Avington is perfect for you. Equipment Type Tent ?Protex 70D 4,000mm HH Polyester Flysheet highly waterproof and durable fabric exclusive to Vango ?Bathtub groundsheet, completely waterproof, 10cm base on the inner tent with taped seams for times when you need to pitch on wet ground ?Part Mesh Inner Door increases ventilation in the tent while keeping bugs out ?Vango PowerFlex fibreglass poles strong, light and reliable ?PE inner tent groundsheet provides a robust, hardwearing and waterproof bathtub style base ?Easypack Carry Bag oversized carry bag made from 15% more material with 50% more volume ?Diamond Clear Windows maximises light and offers great visibility. ?Fire Retardant Fabrics meets the European EN5912 safety standard ?Lights Out Inner Tent the darker fabric reduces the amount of early morning light.

Best Price Found: £ 296.99 from Simply Hike