Visit OutdoorGear UK to buy Terra Nova Firma Tent at the best price we found

Terra Nova Firma Tent

Compare prices across 2 in stock retailers. Terra Nova Firma Tent prices range from £799.50 to £1200.00 potentially saving you £400.5 when you compare prices through easybuytent. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £846.41. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £687.18. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. The Terra Nova Terra Firma is a proven base camp shelter on a multitude of Himalayan and Polar expeditions, which also lends itself to year round family use.The stable, geodesic design is simple to pitch with 4 colour coded poles and sheds weather efficiently in combination with the Watershed Endurance flysheet. Good storage space from two, pole supported, porches allows your gear to be kept out of the way of your access.A proven design and high quality fabrics make the Terra Firma an ideal choice for year round use and it is easily split to carry between 4.

Best Price Found: £ 799.50 from OutdoorGear UK

tent Info

TypeAdventure Tents, Tent, Backpacking Tents, Expedition Tents, Tents
PitchingInner First
BrandTerra Nova
Maximum Height147cm
Hydrostatic Head (flysheet)8000mm
Pack Size22cm x 78cm
Tent Capacity4 person
Weight Range6kg - 10kg
Hydrostatic Head - Groundsheet10000mm