Visit Go Outdoors to buy CAMPINGAZ Lumostar Plus PZ Camping Lantern at the best price we found

CAMPINGAZ Lumostar Plus PZ Camping Lantern

The best price found for CAMPINGAZ Lumostar Plus PZ Camping Lantern was £34.94. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £34.94. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £34.94. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. Easy to use with piezo ignition, Easy Clic Plus connection, and detachable head for added convenience. Product Features *Power 80 watt *Reliable and easy connection *Easy access to mantle *Durable with integrated globe protection guard *Easier to operate with new knob *Integrated hanging handle *Runtime andgt 6h on CV270 Plus 6h 20min on CV300 Plus andgt 12h on CV470 Plus CampingGaz LumoStar Plus PZ Lantern

Best Price Found: £ 34.94 from Go Outdoors