Visit Go Outdoors to buy Coleman 28QT Xtreme Cooler at the best price we found

Coleman 28QT Xtreme Cooler

The best price found for Coleman 28QT Xtreme Cooler was £63.00. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £60.79. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £59.99. Prices were last updated on Friday, April 19, 2024*. Coleman Xtreme coolers are designed with premium insulation technology which keeps the contents cold on ice for days. These coolers are perfect for long road trips, days spent on the campsite, or even sporting events. As an added feature, robust lids are strong enough to be used as a seat for up to 113kg. The Coleman Xtreme insulation provides premium cooling performance. The 28QT cooler sits upright in your car with 2 added beverage holders.

Best Price Found: £ 63.00 from Go Outdoors