Easy Camp Galaxy 400 Tent
The best price found for Easy Camp Galaxy 400 Tent was £194.49. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £194.49. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £194.49. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. The Galaxy 400 Tent can be pitched quickly and easily thanks to the hoop pole construction. The largest tent in Easy Camps Explorer range, the Galaxy offers full head height, large porch space and a spacious bedroom. The Galaxy has two doors offering versatility with a porch groundsheet included. Fire retardant material. Detachable groundsheet for porch area. Waterproof. Taped seams. Flexible pole frame. Anti bug mesh. Full head height. Organiser pocket. 2 upright steel canopy poles for front door opening. The Galaxy 400 Tent sleeps 4 adults comfortably, offering great value for money.