Visit Camping World to buy Kampa Commander Camping Kitchen Unit at the best price we found

Kampa Commander Camping Kitchen Unit

The best price found for Kampa Commander Camping Kitchen Unit was £64.49. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £64.49. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £64.49. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. Work top or stove stand fits most popular camping stoves (up to 60 cm wide) Handy larder with two shelves and zipped door Very quick and easy to set up and dismantle Rubbish bin basket Useful lower shelf Windshield available as optional ext.

Best Price Found: £ 64.49 from Camping World

RetailerRetailer InfoStockPriceIncl. P&P
Camping WorldKampa Commander Field Kitchen1£59.99£64.49Go to Shop

tent Info

TypeCamping Furniture, Kitchen Units