Kampa Firebird Camping Lantern and Torch
The best price found for Kampa Firebird Camping Lantern and Torch was £12.49. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £12.49. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £12.49. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. The Kampa Firebird is a 2 in 1 LED capsule lantern and torch combined. It can be used as a free standing lantern, a hanging lantern from the integral hanging hook, and a hand held torch. 2 in 1 torch and lantern 24 super bright LED lantern 3 super bright LED torch LED bulbs never need replacing Up to 6 hours of light in 24 LED lantern mode from a set of batteries* Up to 50 hours of light in 3 LED torch mode from a set of batteries* Requires 3 x AA batteries not included Weather resistant Hanging hook Free standing Size 6 cm diameter x 18.5 cm * Battery life depends upon condition of batteries and temperature.