Visit Camping World to buy Kampa Grace Camping Cupboard at the best price we found

Kampa Grace Camping Cupboard

The best price found for Kampa Grace Camping Cupboard was £84.49. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £84.49. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £84.49. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. The Grace Cupboard from Kampa is a must have camping accessory for your tent to make you camping life more comfortable and easier and to help keep your tent nice and organised whether you use this product as a cupboard for your clothes, accessories or toys or as a larder. The cupboard features four internal shelves which are aluminium edged for strength there is also a rear mesh protected ventilated accessory pocket. The cupboard is extremely quick and easy to set up and dismantle with a lightweight aluminium construction with a heavy duty PVC coated polyester shell. The Grace cupboard even comes with a strong carrying bag. Therefore this is a camping must have to make your camping experiences even better.

Best Price Found: £ 84.49 from Camping World

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TypeCupboards, Camping Furniture