Vango Blade 200 Tent
The best price found for Vango Blade 200 Tent was £109.62. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £108.52. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £107.95. Prices were last updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024*. The Blade has just one pole for quick and simple pitching. Perfect for those looking to take their first steps into trekking and are looking for a lightweight tent packed with features to protect them from the elements. One person tent. Features *Inner first pitching.*70D Protex Polyester featuring Vango hexagonal pattern.*Breathable polyester Inner Tent.*Polyester groundsheet waterproof to 6,000mm.*Orange guylines help identify your tent in low light and decrease the chance of tripping.*Line Lok guyline runners, easy to use and wont slip in high winds.*Pole sleeve tension adjustment.*Rain stop flysheet door.*Multiple reflective points on the pegging points to pick up your torch light.*Flysheet vents with mesh covering.*Inner tent pockets for added storage.*Part mesh inner door.*Compression stuffsac.