Visit Cotswold Outdoor UK to buy Mountain Equipment Glacier 1000 Reg Sleeping Bag at the best price we found

Mountain Equipment Glacier 1000 Reg Sleeping Bag

The best price found for Mountain Equipment Glacier 1000 Reg Sleeping Bag was £400.00. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £400.00. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £400.00. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. An all round bag, the Mountain Equipment Glacier 1000 is available in Standard and XL versions. Combines high quality down, advanced baffle construction and highly water resistant outer fabric. Serious mountaineers will appreciate the quality of this down bag. Lighten your pack with this durable bag that packs down small. Mountain Fit for excellent thermal efficiency and comfort. 4 baffle trapezoid foot piece for excellent down control and loft with low weight. 7 baffle anatomical fit hood provides excellent warmth and down control. Gemini integrated collar with synthetic combination draft tubes. Ground level seams maximise insulation at the sides of the bag. Trapezoid offset baffles for stability, loft and down control. 50g baffle walls for long term structure and down control. Full length zip with anti snag baffle. Roll top waterproof compression sack and mesh storage sack. Extreme Temperature 36'C. Comfort Limit Temperature 16'C. Comfort Temperature 8'C. Good Nights Sleep 20'C.

Best Price Found: £ 400.00 from Cotswold Outdoor UK