Outwell Flock Excellent Double Airbed
The best price found for Outwell Flock Excellent Double Airbed was £59.49. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £59.19. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £57.99. Prices were last updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024*. We are offering this great promotional deal buy 1 Outwell Flocked Excellent Double air bed and 2 Outwell Flocked Excellent single air beds and get an Outwell 12V Sky Pump absolutely FREE. These airbeds are slightly larger than the standard airbeds and have a stabilising edge construction making these beds more rigid. Has a soft velour flocked cover on tough PVC base, for both comfort and durability. Double Dims. 195x135x26cm, Single Dims. 205x80x26cm. The Outwell Sky Pump is a 12v or 230v pump supplied with 5 different nozzles which will both inflate and deflate.