Visit Go Outdoors to buy Outwell Whitecove 6 Tent Carpet at the best price we found

Outwell Whitecove 6 Tent Carpet

The best price found for Outwell Whitecove 6 Tent Carpet was £55.97. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £55.97. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £55.97. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. The wall to wall carpet is made from a soft 100% polyester flannel to provide your tent with the ultimate cosy feeling making you feel completely at home. The carpet adds insulation in your living room from the cold ground and makes your tent even more comfortable ensuring a trouble free camping trip. The carpet comes with a heavy PVC backing for easy cleaning.

Best Price Found: £ 55.97 from Go Outdoors

tent Info

TypeTent Carpet, Carpets and Rugs, Tent Carpets