Visit Simply Hike to buy Petzl Zipka Headlamp at the best price we found

Petzl Zipka Headlamp

The best price found for Petzl Zipka Headlamp was £27.99. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £27.99. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £27.99. Prices were last updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024*. ZIPKAandsup2;; Ultra compact 4 LED headlamp with retractable cord, three lighting modes (two continuous and one strobe); The ultra compact ZIPKAandsup2; headlamp is equipped with the ZIP retractable cord system. This feature allows the headlamp to be worn on the head or wrist, or attached to any other support, like a tent pole, etc. This headlamp is extremely versatile, thanks to its three lighting levels (maximum, economic and strobe), which are accessed with a simple electronic push button switch. In maximum mode, the four LEDs deliver 40 lumens of light and provide enough light to see over a distance of 29 meters.; In economic mode, the lifetime of the batteries can be extended to up to 120 hours for a long burn time. The battery compartment is now hinged for easier access along with an easier to use closure system.; ; *Compact, light and comfortable 25 % more compact than the TIKKA andsup2; headlamp single compartment contains LEDs and batteries ZIP retractable cord is adjustable; *Versatile and energy efficient Three lighting modes (maximum, economic and strobe mode) 120 h light duration at economic level; *Easy to use electronic push button switch battery pack is easy to open ADAPT system is quick to mount; *Four LEDs 40 lumens (maximum level) shines up to 29 meters (maximum level); *Reliable push button switch limits inadvertently turning on the lamp during storage ZIP retractable cord is made of Dyneema for excellent durability; *Compatible with lithium batteries lighter than alkaline batteries better performance at lower temperatures; ; Specifications ; ; ; Lighting performances; ; ; ; maximum; economic; ; ; Battery life; 90 h; 120 h; ; ; Distance t=0; 29 m; 13 m; ; ; ; ; ; *Colours E94 PS storm gray E94 PT tropical blue; *Operates on three alkaline AAA LR03 batteries (included); *Compatible with lithium batteries; *Degree of protection IP X4 (water resistant); *Weight 69 g including batteries; *3 year guarant.

Best Price Found: £ 27.99 from Simply Hike