Terra Nova Solar Photon 1 Groundsheet Protector
The best price found for Terra Nova Solar Photon 1 Groundsheet Protector was £50.95. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £50.95. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £50.95. Prices were last updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024*. Although Terra Nova are confident that Terra Novas Waterbloc material will outperform any similar groundsheet fabric, this groundsheet protector offers some extra protection against sharp objects as well as keeping the tent underside clean.The Terra Nova Solar Photon 1 Groundsheet Protector is sized to fit exactly under the inner tent, and attach to the tent pole feet with shockcord loops to keep them in place. This ensures the weight penalty is kept to a minimum on our lightweight models and our expedition tents gain the extra durability they need for the conditions theyre used in.