Visit Simply Hike to buy Trangia 25 2 UL Cooker with Kettle at the best price we found

Trangia 25 2 UL Cooker with Kettle

Compare prices across 6 in stock retailers. Trangia 25 2 UL Cooker with Kettle prices range from £55.94 to £110.00 potentially saving you £54.06 when you compare prices through easybuytent. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £55.94. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £55.94. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. Trangia 25 Cooker 25 2 UL Stove andamp Cook Set Including Kettle The Trangia 25 2 Ultra Light Aluminium Cooker is part of the popular Trangia range ideally suited for use in groups of up to 4 people. Duke of Edinburgh and Scouting participentsshould look no furtherthan the 25 series as itoffers all that is needed for expeditions. The lightweight and highly durable aluminium build means the pans are incredibly hardwearing. It is lightweight, needs no special care and is impact resistant. Trangias are reliable in all weather conditions without unnecessary parts that can go wrong or be adversely affected by cold. Features*Works at any temperature and in any weather.*Compact.*You dont have to be an expert mechanic to maintain it.*Safe. The stove is less prone to flares than pressure stoves, also the lower windshield makes a very stable base.*Clean.*Quick and easy to set up.*Low running cost.Specifications*Stove*2 x Ultralight Aluminium saucepans 1.5litre and 1.75 litre capacity*1 x Ultralight aluminium frypan (22cm)*1 x Windshield (upper)*1 x Windshield (lower)*1 x Burner*1 x Handle*1 x Strap*1 x Kettle*Weight 1050 grams

Best Price Found: £ 55.94 from Simply Hike