Visit Simply Hike to buy Vango Del Mar Camping Chair at the best price we found

Vango Del Mar Camping Chair

The best price found for Vango Del Mar Camping Chair was £30.99. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £30.99. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £30.99. Prices were last updated on Thursday, February 13, 2025*. Always a family favourite, the [B] Vango Del Mar [ B] chair is purpose built for gently reclining in the sun. Its dual colour striking pattern will compliment your Vango tent and awning, its soft arms can be adjusted to your preferred height. The sturdy steel frame offers stability and the chair has padded seat and back rests for extra comfort, while an insulated cup holder has been added for your convenience. An essential piece of camping equipment you cant do without, make yourself comfortable with the [B] Vango Del Mar [ B].

Best Price Found: £ 30.99 from Simply Hike