Visit OutdoorGear UK to buy Vango Helix 300 Footprint Groundsheet at the best price we found

Vango Helix 300 Footprint Groundsheet

The best price found for Vango Helix 300 Footprint Groundsheet was £22.35. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £21.80. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £19.82. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. The [B] Vango Helix 300 Footprint [ B] is a useful underlying protective sheet for the Vango Helix 300 tent. Easy to remove and clean, this useful footprint can be placed underneath your existing sewn in groundsheet in order to provide protection from small tears and holes caused by stones, twigs and sharp objects on the ground. Cut to the correct shape, this footprint can also aid in setting up your awning by providing the outline to fit into even the smallest of spaces.

Best Price Found: £ 22.35 from OutdoorGear UK

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TypeGroundsheets and Footprints, Groundsheets