Visit Cotswold Outdoor UK to buy Vango PowerEx Duo Cook Set at the best price we found

Vango PowerEx Duo Cook Set

The best price found for Vango PowerEx Duo Cook Set was £40.00. The average lowest price for the last 30 days was £40.00. With the lowest price over the last 30 days being £40.00. Prices were last updated on Saturday, October 12, 2024*. Features Force Rapide heat exchange system Hard anodised aluminium Non stick and non porous Folding handle 2 pots, 2 lids and 1 Supplied with mesh Supplied in individual display box Large pot ? 17cm Frying pan? 17.5cm Small pot 15cm

Best Price Found: £ 40.00 from Cotswold Outdoor UK

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TypeCooking Equipment, Pots and Pans